United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development. Implementation of the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN): Global assessment of multilateral agencies lead HQ-level studies.
Conduct two, two day workshops for building capacity of selected DCS and TRC Staff involved in ICT Data Collection and Analysis
Conduct monitoring and evaluation training for program staff of information and communication Technology Agency of Sri Lanka.
Team Leader, Senior Evaluator. Review of National Evaluation Systems and Capacities for Evaluating Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals. - Country Case Studies.
Team Leader - review of partnerships with donors.
Participatory Irrigation Development Program. Change Management/Institutional Development Specialist for rationalisation plan of national agency for sustainable irrigation services including both national and community based irrigation. Six monthly superv
Trainer - Complexity and systems thinking for the SDGs - for senior government officials, Parliamentarians and civil society across Asia.
Design of Theory of Change and Case Study Methodology for Study of Value Chains in Africa in preparation for implementation of the Feed Africa Strategy.
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development. Implementation of the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN): Global assessment of multilateral agencies lead HQ-level studies.
Sustainable impact study of five Agro-enterprise development projects in the Philippines.
Scoping mission for design of Rapid Employment Project II including land use planning for informal settlements, environmental management and small infrastructure development.
Technical Agricultural specialist/Value Chain Development specialist for several design missions for the Inclusive Partnerships for Agricultural Competitiveness (IPAC) project.
Engaged in speaking at seminars and conferences related to the Sustainable Development goals (SDGs) and the follow-up and review processes for the SDGs. Appointed as Co-Chair of EVALSDGs.
Country Program Evaluation of IFAD funded operations in Turkey, Enterprise and Value Chains Specialist.
Technical Agricultural specialist/Value Chain Development specialist for pre-appraisal mission of the Inclusive Partnerships for Agricultural Competitiveness (IPAC) project.
Review of Social Accountability and Governance Risks for the Solomon Islands Rapid Employment Project.
Enterprise development, access to markets and value chains development specialist evaluating ten projects over the last ten years.
Change Management/Institutional Development Specialist for rationalisation plan for sustainability of national agency for sustainable irrigation services including both national and community based schemes. Six monthly supervision and technical assistance
Team leader for regional assessment of ADB performance across nine countries in the Pacific region through development coordination offices.
Team Leader for mid term review of the Urban Youth Employment Project (UYEP). Innovative project to address youth unemployment and disadvantage in Port Moresby.
Regional assessment of ADB TA performance in response to 2008 Technical Assistance Policy Amendments. Field review of TA in Tonga, Fiji, China, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and the Philippines.
Evaluation Specialist for national Country Programme Evaluation of IFAD funded operations in Zambia. Technical focus on sustainability of value chain interventions.
Evaluation Specialist for national programme evaluation of IFAD funded operations in Bhutan. Technical focus on the Agriculture, Marketing and Enterprise Promotion Programme.
Asian Development Bank (ADB). Review of the global food price crises and their impact on the poor in Asia. Assessment of ADB current strategic alignment with food security initiatives in relation to performance of sustainable agriculture investments.
International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) supported project in community-based watershed development and with a focus on Indigenous People's initiatives for land management, eco-tourism and education.
Evaluation of programme and project supervision methodologies and practice since launch of the IFAD Supervision Policy in 2005.
for the Supervision of the World Bank Philippines Agrarian Reform Communities Development Projects (ARCDP and ARCDP II and additional financing) with on-going six-monthly missions from 1994 to present. Involved technical review and guidance on community d
Evaluation of rural enterprise, value chain development and local development initiatives for seven projects nationwide, plus additional grants and policy initiatives in preparation for new Ghana Country Programme for IFAD.
Evaluation of investment potential for national SME programme in Ghana financed by the African Development Bank and IFAD.
Rural Credit Specialist for the Evaluation of the IFAD China Operations from 1999-2010 as an input to the new Country Strategy for 2010 - 2015.
Evaluation of the IFAD approach to gender equity and mainstreaming and Gender Action Framework. Involved a desk review of 78 projects over 52 countries and field visits to selected sites.
Evaluation of the IFAD Policy and Guidelines for Innovation and its capacity to promote replicable innovations. Included assessment of IFAD Corporate strategies, 21 Country Programme Strategies and 70 project designs across 46 countries. Field visit to in
Case Study Paper and involvement in corporate strategy for IFAD Office of Evaluation to build evaluation capacity in member countries using a regional model of training, mentoring and skills building initiatives for government senior officials worldwide.
Evaluation of 7 year IFAD project in southern China covering water management, rural credit, provincial infrastructure, institutional and governance support.
Technical support to IFAD Executive Board Evaluation Committee to review the Philippines CHARM project (see below) evaluation, country strategy issues and programme strategy considerations.
for Project Implementation Completion research study of the World Bank Community Based Resource Management covering institutional development, infrastructure and livelihood initiatives based on a community-driven development approach.
for evaluation of Community Agriculture and Rural Development Project of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and IFAD, including public facilities, access infrastructure, social, sustainable agriculture and microfinance development, particularly targetin
(also involving comparative desk reviews for Egypt, India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh) Corporate evaluation team member for a Field Presence Pilot Project of IFAD: based on a three year pilot programme, examining the feasibility of establishing national off
for the two Japanese Grant Programs for landless and Indigenous Peoples, supervised by the World Bank. The projects piloted new approaches for sustainable livelihoods, eco-tourism, sustainable agriculture and social inclusion in poverty reduction processe
for IFAD/ ADB) Highland Agriculture and Resource Management (CHARM) interim assessment which progressed watershed management with sustainable agriculture sector development for ethnic minorities.
Cross Country evaluation of the poverty status and livelihood investments in strategic regional and rural development for IFAD. The research covered 8 countries, 15 major investment projects and 8 regional research projects.
with Asian Development Bank and Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture for the Agrarian Reform Communities Project II (ARCP II) to reduce poverty among 15 poorest provinces. Responsible for institutional arrangement
with World Bank on assignment with Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao Social Fund Social Infrastructure and Community Development Fund for World Bank Re-Construction and Rehabilitation in post-conflict Mindanao. Troubleshooting on institutional arrangem
One of team of three technical specialists to design a module for the Indonesia-Australia Agreement to incorporate good governance, change management and gender awareness into all training programs.
Corporate review of IFAD project supervision modalities with focus on Africa and Mid & Eastern Europe. The Review covered 30 projects in 20 countries to assess how supervision modalities contribute to effectiveness, efficiency and relevance of the project
Executive Training for the National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) of the Philippines. Design and lead facilitator of AUSAID/TAFE Global executive training programme for the NCIP for four months.
for IFAD Country Strategy Programme Evaluation including design and facilitation of project and participant self-assessment processes as a partnership input to the evaluation. Included involvement in global pilot and symposium on a new participatory evalu
for Preparation Mission for North and North Western Nepal. Integrated project with strong emphasis on social justice and strategies for community inclusion. Also designed to alleviate the rise of insurgence in the area.
for IFAD/ADB-funded Philippines Micro-enterprise Finance Project evaluation mission. This evaluation acted as a pilot (one of ten globally) for IFAD's new participatory evaluation process.
Study on under-employment of marginal farmers in the non-plantation agricultural sector. Acting as international advisor for study design, implementation and analysis.
Two three-year projects. Training specialist in inception and formulation missions working with rebel returnee groups and resettlement of communities affected by the conflict in Western Mindanao, and indigenous communities in Northern Mindanao.
Small enterprise, micro-credit and employment development program. Acted as small enterprise development consultant for national expansion program.
A joint project focusing on Grameen Bank Replication through the Peoples Finance and Credit Corporation. Acted as small enterprise and microcredit specialist in identification and appraisal missions.
Micro-enterprise program for refugees. Acted as Team Leader and Technical Consultant for several projects in program design, evaluation and policy input in resettlement and re-establishment of local communities in conflict areas throughout both the Singha
Team leader for economic rehabilitation in areas affected by civil unrest. Included four months field research on impact evaluation of the first phase of the program and design of the second phase.
Short term work on various participatory community development, governance, small-medium business, rehabilitation, agricultural development and micro-credit programs in the Asia Region. Also c small-scale research and evaluations for these agencies, linke